

For Classes K. G. to V promotion is granted on the basis of their average performance throughout the year.
For classes VI to IX- the promotion to the next class is given to the students who pass in the terminals separately and obtain a minimum pass percentage of 40% in each subject as well as in the aggregate.
A student will only be allowed to appear in the Class X & XII Board Examination if he/she is regular in studies & appears for the practical and submits the internal assessment /project work in time.
If a student fails in three or more compulsory subjects, he/she will be detained in the same class.
If a student fails in one or two subjects, he/she will be considered for compartment in the subjects.
At least, 80% attendance in the academic year is a must for promotion to the next class, even if he/she qualifies the pass criteria.
If a child is sick and is unable to appear for any test/examination. Re-test may be considered or average marks may be given, provided medical certificate is produced on or before examination day. (However a candidate has to pass in at least two exams conducted by the school).
If a student indulges in unfair means at the time of any test/exam his/her answer sheet will be treated as cancelled and he/she will be suspended from the exams and final decision in the matter will be taken by the SMC which will be final and binding.
For subjects like G. K., Music, Drawing and crafts only grades will be awarded.
Performance of the child in our school web site regularly.
A scholarship is awarded to girl students securing 90 % and above in aggregate in class X Board Exams conducted by C.B.S.E., Delhi.

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