Regular Activities
Morning Assembly :
This is a very unique and interesting feature of the school, as the assembly is planned and conducted by the students only. Morning prayer, recitation of Gayatri Mantra, questions on current affairs, poems, greeting birthday students, Current News and physical exercise form part of the morning assembly.
It is compulsory for every student to attend the morning assembly without fail, if any student has got any physical problem, he/she must obtain permission from the assembly in-charge . The main gate of the school will be closed sharply at the arrival time and the late comers will not be allowed to attend the school that Day. A Fine of Rs. 20/- per day will be charged if instances of late arrivals recur in case of a student.
Houses :
All students are distributed into four houses named BHOOMI, GAGAN, NEER AND PAWAN.
Interaction with parents (Parent - Teacher Interaction):
The School works in close co-operation with the parents, through frequent parent - teacher interaction, various issues are examined concerning performance levels and new solutions to different types of behavior patterns are tried out.
Teacher Training Workshops :
The teacher plays an important role of a facilitator ensuring that the child is exposed to an enriched environment to a variety of experiences that will strike a balance between quiet and active, between group and individual activities; between indoor and outdoor events. Our aim is to develop and maintain a balance between the child's Intelligence Quotient, Emotional Quotient and try to tip the balance in favour of the Joy Quotient. Teacher - training workshops are step in this direction, which is a regular feature of the school.
Medical Check Up :
Regular medical check-ups are conducted for all the students and staff by renowned medical experts.
Funny Friday :
Every friday is celebrated as funny friday for the Junior School Kids.