
Rules & Regulation

Every student must arrive at school before prescribed time.
The students must wear school uniform. The students who are without uniform shall not be allowed.
The student must lock vehicles and park at the parking stand.
The student must maintain cleanliness in the campus as well as in the classrooms.
Prior permissions of the Principal are necessary for leave.
Labour donation is compulsory.
If student damages school’s property the same will be compensated for.
To appear in monthly test is must for every student, if any student remains absent in exam deliberately, warning will be imparted parents.s
If any student absent himself of herself from the class or play truant indulge in undesirable of in disciplinary activities. He will be warned and his parents will be called. If improvement doesn’t happen his name will be struck off.
The student will be struck off. Fee up to 15th of every month fine of Rs. 50/- will be imposed.


Every student must complete 80% of school attendance prior to appearing in any Examination.
No leave application is entertained if not properly endorsed by the parents/ authorized guardians. Leave application must reach school one day in advance.
No half day leave is granted.(except in case of emergency and with written authorised application)
It is compulsory for parents to attend all "Parent-Teacher" meetings (PTMs).
If a child is absent from the school for 6 or more days without prior approval or leave, then the admission of the child automatically stands cancelled and admission on the vacant seat will be given to the candidate next in the merit.


A written notice of withdrawal must be given three months in advance (incase if mid session) or after the academic session. School leaving Certificate will be issued after one week from the date of application. The leaving certificate will be issued only when all the dues related to the academic session are cleared.

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